Happy Birthday Abzoid~

hey abzoid happy birthday!

thx :wink:

but now your brother hasnt responded…shesh! lol

Oh he will, when he finally drags his sorry butt outta bed. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol the truth of The Good Reverend Flash comes about…:stuck_out_tongue:

Happy Birthday Abzoid =)

Happy Birthday!!! :beam: How old are ya now?

  • Soul :s:


Happy Birthday =)

Happy Birthday Old Man!

We art-eeests run on a different schedule than you code heads…

not to mention the 2 hour time diff…

BTW - just to let ya’ll know, I’ve already called him and wished him a happy b-day…

he will be recieving his gift via USPS next week:


BTW - love the Buckaroo Bonsai quote… my fav is
BUCKAROO: “Tommy, give her your coat.”
PERFECT TOMMY: “Why my coat?”
BUCKAROO: “Because you’re perfect”

of course he will have to send me his new address first…



Happy Birthday Abzoid :slight_smile:

rev i got me onea those! they are fun!lol

This is the 8th one I’ve bought…

I now have 4 diff speed motors up to 25000 RPM, 3 diff transfer gear ratios, 4 diff sets of tires…

cones, barrels…

one now looks like an F1 racer…



wow rev. i never suped mine up but yours sounds so much more fun :frowning:

how you gonna win a race if you keep yours stock? stock motors are only abaout 12000 rpm…

I can make mine jump a span of 3" between ramps…

fun little buggers…


Thanks for the help you’ve been on the forum, especially in the ServerSide/Scripting section :wink: :slight_smile: