Happy birthday b.rich

well the title says it all lol.
see guyz i usually check the birthdays out

[font=Fixedsys][size=7][color=red]H[color=orange]A[color=darkorange]P[color=yellow]P[color=yellowgreen]Y [color=lime]B[color=green]I[color=darkgreen]R[color=teal]T[color=cyan]H[/color]D[/color]A[/color]Y[/color] B[/color]R[/color]I[/color]C[/color]H[/color]![/color][/size][/font]
[font=Courier New][color=#ff0000]Now go have yourself a good time ;)[/color][/font]

Well since neither telekenises, thoriphes, or fester have shown up yet let me say it for them:


There. Now go have a happy birthday. :sure:

why did you say big titties
i dont get it

I was considering saying BIG TITTIES, but I thought other wise because Tele likes/typing BIG TITTIES but then again so does Thor, oh yeah, he really likes the whole BIG TITTIES thing. I’ve never seen fester say BIG TITTIES, but I do know that for the past few eilsoe has been beating them all to BIG TITTIES. Now that I think about it, I should have added it on the end, because what better way to say Happy birthday other than BIG TITTIES?

-:red:[color="#FF8800"]BIG TI - er, I mean, COPPERTOP[/color]

LOL! yeah, I’ve seen it so many times by so many of the regulars that I forget who usually says it, if there is such a thing anymore.

As long as someone wishes them on the birthday boy right? :beam:

Happy bday again BRICH!

:hr: - LITTLE T . . . I mean Lunatic :trout:

What part of big titties do you not get?

Anyway, happy birthday rich!!! :party:

Maybe that’s the problem! :stuck_out_tongue:

Just kidding azzy , I couldn’t resist! :wink:

Happy Birthady!

[size=7][color=paleturquoise]B[color=lightblue]I[/color][color=cyan]G [/color][color=deepskyblue]T[/color][color=mediumturquoise]I[/color][color=royalblue]T[/color][color=teal]T[/color][color=blue]I[/color][color=darkslateblue]E[/color][color=navy]S[/color][/color][/size]
[size=1][color=black](Here is your present!) :beam:[/color][/size]

Have to keep my street credability! :wink:

dude those arent thaaaat big. i have seen bigger
but she does look pretty hot

Better? They aren’t the biggest, but sometimes you have to take quality over quantity. By the way that was Tara Reid. Amazing Woman!



Err…Merry Christmas to all of ya! :crazy:

[size=7][color=yellowgreen]Happy [color=red]Birthday[/color][color=blue]![/color][/color][/size]

Happy Birthday Buddy!!!

Happy Rosh Kashananahana?!