since its march 4th for me already i’m gonna post this b3fore i forget!
happy birthday 25 birthday!
here is your b-day cake
and your beer
whats the b-boy gotta say SPEECH SPEECH SPEECH!!
since its march 4th for me already i’m gonna post this b3fore i forget!
happy birthday 25 birthday!
here is your b-day cake
and your beer
whats the b-boy gotta say SPEECH SPEECH SPEECH!!
You’re the best!!! :beam:
Thank you for everything you have helped me with man. And for being such a great help on the forum
i would have gotten a present except i’m broke
luckily i have my trust blowing thingy to make noise
[SIZE=7][COLOR=blue]I’m[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]so[/COLOR] [COLOR=yellow]happy![/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Woohoo[/COLOR][COLOR=orange][/COLOR]!! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]© electrongeek[/SIZE]
Wow thanks guys for remembering!!
It’s funny how things work out, I never would of thought that I was going to stick around this forum for this long. I came to Kirupa to learn Flash and that’s it and here I am, posting my life away.
I remember when I first came to this forum, I felt like a little guppy among the big fishes of this large lake. I was intimidated by just about everyone here, but you guys have made me feel at home here so now I feel like the Giant Trout in this little pond.
I plan on celebrating many more birthdays here and continue what I do best…[SIZE=1]which is pick on Alex until he’s goes crazy.[/SIZE]
Here are just a few people that have helped me out the most:
To everyone else, I would like to thank you as well for just showing up and posting and keeping this forum active.
we mourn the passing of your youth… I feel for you old man…
wow! a quarter of a century…
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
Hey man… no problem. You share with me your design skills and I will share with you my coding skills… but even if you didn’t share your design skills I still would have shared my coding skills… why?.. because you rock!
Yeah, I can’t believe I’m 25…:-\
But I feel young inside and I don’t think the kid inside me will ever die.
Well Phil, here’s a pic of me…You like my “rico suave” pose? ahhahah
happy birthday
Phil please don’t say that…it’s my bday, don’t ruin it…please? :*(
That’s it Phil, I’m closing this thread down and banning you from the forums. Oh and I’m going to shut down the Racknine servers and Media Temple servers as well. :sleep:
LOL!!! Mak, where do you get all your crazy images from!??! hahaha
oh well …
[size=10]happy birthday eg !![/size]
© electrongeek =)
now i’m leaving … see ya in 20 mins
Wow… Happy Birthday man… And thanks for the kind words…
There are times when I feel like helping someone is going to waste… But not for this man right here… He’s the only one that asked me to call him by his real name and gave it to me without questions…
He’s a **** good guy and even though he’s still a virgin action scripter… He’s allright in my books
Take it easy and have a great day bud
aw…i was hoping to be the first to post this but…
[size=5]** HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEEK!!! **[/size]
heh, thanks Thor, glad you’re back. =)
*Originally posted by vts31 *
hahaha that’s right!! :bad:
Oh yeah… Jump over my post why doncha… PUNK… No happy birthdayfor you anymore
hahah sorry Marlin, I’m being distracted right now, I got a website due tomorrow and I’m like jumping back and forth mulitasking so I didn’t see it.
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