Happy Birthday lostinbeta

[SIZE=12]Happy Birthday Lost!!!

Congrats! Thanks for all the help and randomish humor you have provided to everyone - much appreciated =)

Kirupa :alien:

Originally posted by electrongeek *
[SIZE=7][COLOR=blue]Happy[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Bday[/COLOR] [COLOR=green]Lost[/COLOR][COLOR=yellow]!![/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]!![/COLOR] [/SIZE]
Š electrongeek
Just want to take this opportunity to say thanks for all the help you’ve given me. You’ve been a great friend and I’m glad I got the chance to know you. I hope your bday will be great and I’m sure we’ll celebrate many more. :beam: **

^ said so much better than anything I could have come up with so Im stealing it (Thanks electrongeek!) :wink:

on a negative note - since Ive been so negative lately…

19 is a sucky age. You still havent gotten past your ‘teens’ still kept behind that glorious 2 - 0 point marking your 20’s… 18, the important age for voting, smoking and **** has past, youve lived out your time there reaching this stale midpoint of 19 which does nothing for you legally or socially waiting really until 21, the wonderous age of alcoholism. So its like 18 yay!, 20 woohoo, 21 gulp gulp gurgle :passout: (interp - YAY!!) … but wait? wheres 19? oh yeah, 19 is meaningless. :hangover:

… I guess you can take the last year of your teens as a plus. Kind of the king of the teens age. You still have that excuse “But Im just a teenager, what do I know?” - something Ive almost actually said a couple of times in the past couple of weeks thinking I could still use it until I remembered I havent been one in years… it was a nice excuse :slight_smile:
Happy Birthday lost :wink:

Hey Happy birthday to the man who easily has one of the coolest names on the site. Congrats on making it to 19, (i wish i could remember my 19th - i got so bad i was beyond drunkeness and into the next reality! Im keeping relatively sober now because of that.)

hope you have a great day!

Happy birthday Shane - I hope you have/had a great one and now you should move to Canada - drinking is now a legal activity for gentlemen your age! :wink:

Come on over - the igloo’s always open :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday Lost In Beta!

Thanks KIT!!! I’M SWIMMING IN BRAS!!! And this time I only stole 2 of them :sure:

RussianBeer: Ive heard worse reasons too… one of them being “woo hoo it’s 3pm!!!”

Kanjiku: Thanks!

Lunar: Well I don’t know what you wouldn’t do, but I will be sure to not do it :wink:

Blastboy: Yep yep, I reall AM lost in beta… its a fun spectacular place.

28: You dorkus! :trout: :beam: Thanks man!

Kirupa: Your welcome. Thank YOU for creating this wonderful forum :slight_smile:

senocular: So true… so true. Thats why I didn’t want to be 19. I liked it when I was 16, but since I can’t go back, I would rather be 20-21ish…lol.

TheOrangeOne: One of the coolest names on the forum?.. WOO HOO!!! Take that everyone else with cool names! Thanks orange.

SureShot: Tuknuk wandered into this threads :love: I need to find my snow shoes (or tennis rackets will do) and start treking over to your place immediately!

Majeye: Thanks! =)

19 is better than 20. Enjoy it. :slight_smile:

But 20 is closer to 21!

Wait… I don’t drink… so what good does being 21 get me!? ARGH!!! Just another year older… :frowning:

:trout: STOP AGING MAN!!! (to myself)

well 21 is an adult. Regardless of whether or not you drink. 21 is a substantial number. 20 is stupid. You’re not a teen anymore, you’re not an adult… you’re nothing… 20 sucks.

LOL… 20 signfies the first year you are no longer a teen.

I guess 19s significance is that it’s the last year you are a teen… but its torture because you have a year to wait before you aren’t a teen anymore!

Oh yeah… BTW… it’s my dogs birthday today too, we share the same birthday :slight_smile: He is 4 today… which in dog years is what?.. 28? So my dogs age is xxviii :stuck_out_tongue: Just something I realized while reading this thread.

the significance of 20 is that its a “big O” year. Its like 10 - 10 was great because its double digits - the first big-O year
“you’re the big 1 - Oh now, you’re a big boy”
2 - Oh is the mark of your prime - the illustrious “20’s”
3 - Oh is the mark out of your prime and into ‘grown up’
4 - Oh is over the hill
5 - Oh is half a century
6 - Oh is you getting old and realizing it
7 - Oh is you getting really old
8 - Oh is OH NO IM OLD
9 - Oh is you are to Oh-ld to care anymore
1 - Oh - Oh - Oh dang, you’re a century old! By this time, if you’re not dead, then you should be congratulating yourself on a life well lived.

LOL… great way to sum it up there sen :slight_smile: and it actually makes sense!


Thats Philbo and Fester =)

HappyHappyHappy berfday ye ol’Lost One =)

…may many more come your way…

Happy Happy Joy Joy Joyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

Ren and Stimpy - always a good reference :slight_smile:

Naturally :beam:

who is lostinbeta?


<-- that guy

Thanks mdipi :slight_smile: