Happy Birthday lostinbeta








:trout: :trout:

[SIZE=12]happy birthday!!!

alex: Woah! Colorful! Thanks man:)

edwin: [size=1]copywrite electrongeek[/size] :P… haha. Thanks!

So have you had a nice day? :slight_smile: Had a good time? Get lots of nice presents? :slight_smile:

[SIZE=1]Personally I’m hitting a quarter century this year, so am planning a nervous breakdown. :P[/SIZE]

Its only 3:30pm here Kit, still haven’t done anything yet for my birthday and probably won’t, but its cool because i’m not one for celebrating things so I don’t mind :slight_smile:

A quarter century eh? My sisters older than you! :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
Oh yeah… BTW… it’s my dogs birthday today too, we share the same birthday :slight_smile: He is 4 today… which in dog years is what?.. 28? So my dogs age is xxviii :stuck_out_tongue: Just something I realized while reading this thread. **

hahaha :trout:

whoa! Kit your an old woman! orders kit a walker lol/ 25 isnt old!

Duhhh, keep forgetting the time difference. It’s 8.30 over here. :slight_smile:

Well have a happy birthday anyway, whatever you choose to do / not do [SIZE=1]delete as appropriate[/SIZE] <b>Hugs</b>

:love: Kitty gave me huggles!!! hugs kit back YAY!!

Happy Birthday Shane. You’ve got my vote for president. Should it somehow come to that.

Kitty gave me huggles!!!
Of all the people who’ve lost themselves in beta, you’re my favourite. :slight_smile:

And mdipi my friend, I am <i>so</i> going to kill you for that ‘old woman’ remark. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I don;t know too many people here on a very wide degree but I’ve had alot of help from lost in beta in the past and wanted to wish him a happy birthday.

theres a big thread about his birthday:P

i havent seen you around before, so heres a late welcome to the forum message.

Welcome to the forum! message

zephn: Thanks, I am glad I was able to help you in the past :slight_smile:

28: LOL! :beam:

<TABLE CELLPADDING=“0” CELLSPACING=“0” BORDER=“0” STYLE=“filter: Glow(Color=#666666, Strength=20)”>
<TD><IMG SRC=“http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/images/smilies/trout.gif”><IMG SRC=“http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/images/smilies/trout.gif” STYLE=“filter: flipH”></TD>
<TD BGCOLOR="#00CCFF" STYLE=“filter: Wave(Add=0, Freq=4, LightStrength=5, Phase=1, Strength=3)”><IMG SRC=“http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/images/smilies/trout.gif” STYLE=“filter: flipV Alpha(Opacity=30)”><IMG SRC=“http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/images/smilies/trout.gif” STYLE=“filter: flipV flipH Alpha(Opacity=30)”></TD>

lost that image is soo funny!

Its just 4 :trout:'s with some CSS added :wink:

wow… where did you learn to do that? CSS is awesome!!

Thanks for all the help you’ve given me too! LIB is the man!

dude that thingy is magical
and its css… wowsers!

CSS Filters only work in IE 5+ I believe… so that kinda sucks :-\ :frowning: not to mention they can be very tacky… but that doesn’t mean they aren’t fun to play with.

I am fluent in HTML and CSS… and semi-fluent in Actionscript and Javascript… still working on getting fluent in those ones :evil:

smoke and mirrors, smoke an mirrors…

Do not pay any attention to the man behind the curtain…
