Happy Birthday lostinbeta

but but… his hand is sticking out!!!

ignore the man behind the curtain, he is only a janitor…



and TOTO tooo!

You’re lucky it’s only his hand. :stuck_out_tongue:

there we go again… gutter brain shows her face…



there we go again… gutter brain shows her face…

HAHA! sorry, i thought this was funny. :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL!!! Thats so mean… but so funny… I can’t help but laugh!

Well… I still luv ya kit, even if you are a gutter brain :love:

it was said with love… :love:


so lost, how was your day? did you do anything exciting besides chow down on cake? fill us in…

and why didnt i recive a birthday Invitation?


My birthday was just like any other day really, I didn’t do much. As I said before I am not really one for celebrations. My sister, brother and grandmother all called me today so I talked to them for a bit (seperately)… my mom stopped by to wish me a happy birthday (:!: she remembered!). I made burgers for dinner, I had dessert afterwards (naturally) and then had a strenuous winsor pilates workout :stuck_out_tongue: Pretty boring day, but I am a very boring guy, so it was perfect :slight_smile:

And as a gift for my dog I mixed chicken and gravy in with his dinner :beam:

Oh… and you didn’t recieve an invitation because you live too far away :stuck_out_tongue: Since I live in Nowheresville, PA everyone lives too far away :frowning: