Happy Birthday Lunatic :)


=) Hey Lunatic, hope you have a great day and a great year ahead of you =)

:thumb: Keep up the good work :thumb:[/CENTER]

Happy Birthday!

[updown][SIZE=7][COLOR=Red]Happy Birthday!!![/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1]Wait, when’s his birthday?[/SIZE][/updown]

only two replys?

Happy birthday!!!

[color=DarkGreen][size=7]H[color=SeaGreen]appy[/color] B[color=SeaGreen]irthday[/color]![color=SeaGreen]!!
[/color] [size=1][/size]

hey lunatic, happy birthday, thanks for helping me with

 a while back ;)

:hugegrin:[move][SIZE=5][COLOR=YellowGreen][FONT=Impact]HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUNATIC[COLOR=Green]!!![/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/move]:hugegrin:

happy birthday dude :wink:


She is a “Babe”, not a “Dude”

[size=1]Geez I hate that word[/size]

hehe… hey i know, that word is unisex … uhh… well sorta :wink:

I think Dudes can be Babes too!

Anyway Happy B-Day Luny!

happy pappy birthday lunitic, have a great one :slight_smile:


:party: :beer: Have a great day :beer: :party:

Have a great one Lunatic! :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday man!!!:slight_smile:


And have a great time with your new puppy!!! :beam:

happyBirthday :slight_smile:

ditto :love: