Happy Birthday Telekinesis (dan4885)!

Happy 18th Birthday Dan!!! How does it feel to finally be legal?

How do you plan on celebrating this exciting occasion?



Have a happy B-day!!!


We mourn the passing of your youth… from now on, everything counts…



Enjoy this one, I know I did when I turned 18. :beam:

Happy Birthday Dan!!! :beam:

Legal for what Lost??

  • Soul :s:


put bluntly

Suppose could be voting, drinking, that kind of thing. I’m not sure about America though only the UK. :slight_smile:

ah the joys of voting i cant wait to make a difference… not.

Wohoo!! Happy Birthday Dan =)

Its 21 to drink in the USA, is it 18 to have sex?

it’s 15 to have sex in denmark :slight_smile:

Dam thats good, not far off in the UK, 16 :beam:

  • Soul :s:

Not that stops most people… :stuck_out_tongue:

True Kit, true :wink:

  • Soul :s:

Thanks Everyone!!!

[size=1]::Dan Blushes, then heads off to the strip bar::[/size] :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope you had a great time at the bar Dan… and that chick you woke up beside is still as hot this morning as she was when you had your beer goggles on :slight_smile:

haha, happy birthday!