It just tastes funny. :sure:
no, other peoples spit tastes funny, wine tastes good. :sure:
Well that too, obviously. :sure:
I dunno, just could never quite bring myself to like wine. Anyway, I prefer the vodka mixers… Vodka goes straight to my head and I end up in a park at 1am doing things I really shouldn’t be…
do tell…
gets popcorn
I just went to the football on Saturday and the pub afterwards with all my friends for a drink or two… Few of us went for a curry about 11pm (one of the best curries I’ve ever had actually ), walking home and everyone goes their separate ways except for me and an ex of mine who are heading in the same direction. Have to walk through a very secluded park on the way, and I’ll leave the rest up to your filthy imagination. :beam:
I heard you can have some really nice Thaï curries in London slurp
Anyway, I’m with you Eilsoe. A cold Tuborg/Grimbergen/Tiger is hardly beatable, and mmmmhh, that Côte-roti I drank last night was superb :beam:
Shame I wasn’t in London really. But yes there’s some fantastic Thai places there. This was in Gillingham instead, so I had to settle for a Jalfrezi.
It’s totally killed my tastebuds, but was great.
I’ve never heard of any of these beers, btw. We don’t get them over here…
*Originally posted by Ilyas da Pom *
**I heard you can have some really nice Thaï curries in London slurp
Anyway, I’m with you Eilsoe. A cold Tuborg/Grimbergen/Tiger is hardly beatable, and mmmmhh, that Côte-roti I drank last night was superb :beam: **
good Thai here as well (goes with the large Thai population)…
Tuborg is a bit “yellow” for me… I prefer a bit more “toast” to my hops. Potato Vodka on the rocks is my fav…
the syrah sounds good. I partially keep Guigal in business, if you know what I mean. They have a Cote de Rhone that just rocks, very consistant. I actually try to buy French wine when I can, it’s cheaper than California wine, plus it usually has stronger earth tones, and less fruitiness.
I have friends who have a $400 budget/month for red wine…