Happy Birthday To Me!

I’m bored, tired and it’s my birthday… so I made this thread.

I’ve only spent 10 minutes sleeping since friday (now sunday) so I am pretty much not making sense at all. I feel like im about to collapse but can’t (weird feeling).

Anyway, there is kind of a bonus to making this thread, could one of you guys/galls tell me if clean, crisp jeans, and a clever (thinkgeek.com) t-shirt, would suffice as smart casual?

[ot][ot]I don’t even know if I had a good birthday, I got quite a bit of money and had an awesome time with my girlfriend but other than that this day has sucked.[/ot]
[ot]I have work experience tomorow, and for the rest of the week. Meaning I have to get up at 6 and get back at 7:30. Fun Fun Fun. [/ot]
[ot] The thinkgeek.com shirt says: ‘I never finish anyth’. Would this give of the wrong meaning?[/ot][/ot]