Have you ever bought from Amazon marketplace?


I would like to know what you think about amazon marketplace. Have you ever bought new or used books from third party sellers at amazon.com?

Do you have good experience with some seller you can recommend? I ask this because they have this user ratings that all seem made up ,like for example they have thousands of ratings of 5 (1 to 5 scale) and then they have a bunch of ratings with 1 from people who say that the books were not as described or didnt even arrived at all.

I dont have all the money i wish i had to spend on books , and it is by far my favorite learning method ,so this less espensive choices would be very nice for me ,i just dont know how much should i trust this.

Please tell me about your experience (if you have any), your opinion, and refer if possible some good sellers that you know from your own experience that i can trust.

Thanks a lot


I buy from Amazon marketplace all the time. Its the cheapest way to get things IMO. Just make sure the seller has a high rating and you should be fine.

I have bought video games, books, text-books, etc from there…

Yeah, my sisters and I get textbooks from the marketplace all the time. Like jub said, make sure the user is credible before making any purchase.

I have used Amazon marketplace quite a number of times for various items such as books, CDs, etc. It’s quite reliable, but as others have mentioned, it’s wise to check the shipper’s ratings, etc.

Kirupa :thumb:

I’ve used it a lot to buy CDs, DVDs and books and never had any problems whatsoever. Everything’s arrived on time and in tact. :slight_smile:

I buy most of my school books off of amazon, pretty good deals.