Having a problem with an "if" statement

I don’t understand why this is happening and after 3 hours of scouring my brain and the internet, I come humbly before you flash gurus asking for your assistance!

I have many items on the stage and when clicking on one, I want other specific items to react accordingly.

Here’s the relevant code and then I’ll explain the problem:

public var currentClick;
public var activeCurrent:Boolean = false;

public function init()
addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, reportClick);

function reportClick(event:MouseEvent):void
	currentClick = event.target.name;
function activateCurrent():void
	if(currentClick == "item1_mc")
		if(activeCurrent == false)
			activeCurrent = true;
			TweenMax.to(healthBar, 1, {x: +200, ease:Quintic.easeOut});
			TweenMax.to(score_txt, 1, {x: +200, ease:Quintic.easeOut});
			TweenMax.to(healthbar_mc, 1, {x: +200, ease:Quintic.easeOut});
			trace("abilities active!");
                if(activeCurrent == true)
			activeCurrent = false;
			TweenMax.to(healthBar, 1, {x: -200, ease:Quintic.easeOut});
			TweenMax.to(score_txt, 1, {x: -200, ease:Quintic.easeOut});
			TweenMax.to(healthbar_mc, 1, {x: -200, ease:Quintic.easeOut});
			trace("abilities inactive!");


I want to click on “item1_mc”, have the specified objects move away and then when clicking on item1_mc again I want to have them move back to their original positions.


When clicking on “item1_mc” it provides both trace statements and performs the second if statement, even though “activeCurrent” is set to false. Further clicking only creates the trace statements and nothing else.

Any ideas? THANKS IN ADVANCE! =)