Having Issues with Quality Settings and GIFs

First off, thank you to everyone who has helped me get this far.

The attached image shows the same XML photogallery, but at two different Quality settings. For some reason, at the setting of “High” my Imported GIF Files (with Allow Smoothing turned off, and placed on whole integer values), the GIFs/Buttons look crappy. As soon as the Quality setting is changed to “Low” the buttons look perfect.

Here-in lies the problem: I have tried to make some control buttons that will fast forward, go back and pause the animation and transition. Anytime I import these buttons, whether they are PNGs, GIFs or JPG’s they look absolutely terrible. Obviously this is happening because the Quality setting is “Low,” but it seems even if I change it to “High” that I am still not getting the exact image that I created in photoshop.

If more screen shots are needed, please let me know. I can attached an image of what the control buttons are supposed to look like as well if that helps (because its not either of the ones in this screen shot)?

Thanks in advance,
