Basically I have a webpage, which contains 3 scenes. One is a loader, the second is an Animation, and the third is the actual page. Now to keep file size down I have decided to load my Music externally, in an swf. What I have done is added a preloader, and the music to that swf, and tried to load it onto my main swf.
The AS I have used is the basic:
loadMovie ("amvmusic.swf", "music");
In which my external swf is “amvmusic.swf”, and the “music” being my blank movie clip which I want my external swf to load into.
Now the problem is that when my website loads, does the animation, and opens the last scene, It procceeds to loop the whole thing over again! Its as if loading the external swf is triggering the my main.swf to go back to the start. Is there something wrong with my AS, or with my external swf? I just dont get it!
I have tried to use
this.loadMovie ("amvmusic.swf", "music");
But that just loads my external swf, and makes my main.swf vanish. ahh! Help!