Having trouble with mc's using audio/video

Hi all. I use Kirupa all the time but just signed up cause I couldn’t find the exact help I need. I usually like to tinker around and figure stuff out, but, I’m on a time crunch on this one.

I’m doing a site for a a friend who does stand-up comedy. I have a main swf and within that swf there are two container swf’s. One container is an audio player with clips of his performances that play while lurking around on his site. The other container is where the “content” stuff loads in (contact, links, bio, etc).

One of the contents that loads is a mc that plays video of him live.

When the “video” mc loads, there are two buttons to pick which video you want to watch. When you click which one you want to watch I need it to stop the separate other container which is playing the audio clips so the two audios don’t overlap.

I tried adding stop all sounds to the buttons but to no avail.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Could you post your code or fla? That would help so we could find inconsistencies.

Well there really is no code yet. That’s what I need. Just the ‘on release’ on the buttons is all I have right now that load the individual swf movie footage. I need an action applied to these buttons that stops the audio playing in a different container mc.