Hay Moddy mod mods!

I was just cruising through the Tell us about yourself thread.

As cool as it is to learn what each of us are all about and what some of us look like…there is a TON of spam in there.

If any of you are bored maybe it would be worth cleaning that up a bit?

dammit! I didn’t get to spam there yet!!!

well, fes, consider how long that thread has been up. once people have posted their pertinent information, what more can you give…SPAM!!!

Maybe it ought just to be kept as an information thread though, as there’s plenty of spam on the rest of the board…

Fester, sure, I’ll try to clean up all the non-informative and non-welcome posts. I can’t possibly delete the colored, giant welcome messages electrongeek posts =)

hey syko… you forgot to embed your font in your footer…

I am nobody, but the title of this thread really ticks me off…

Hay Moddy mod mods!
I don’t even call my puppies like that… Is it just me??? Hm…

lol, Cyan, you seem so jaded :slight_smile:

Maybe I’m just too sleepy… Going back to sleep at 10am… :slight_smile:

sleep is good. there was too much drinking in my building last night. the cops came. my friends got arrested…


Got your attention though…DIDNT IT!!!

<-- Spam King

lol CoughSPAMCough
