Hey guys need a header for my website SoccerBio.com (under-development).
Basically we want something like the offtopic.com splash page needleson the homepage. You can use images, or 3d them, but make it look real. Next we want that one needle sticking into a soccer ball, and having it say give blood, SoccerBio, or anything else catchy. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Some ideas you could incorporate are maybe you can see through the soccer ball and it has a heart, or pulsing, just to name some. http://www.learn2paint.net/images/ph…om_step1_1.jpg That is a nice shot of a ball feel that we are looking for. Maybe some blood on the ground and a reflection like on a glass floor, etc. Be creative
Dimensions: 749w x 122h px
Color scheme: For the soccer ball we want the hexagons to be red ( # d11317) and for the needle we want the blood to be a blood red.
Remember it has to fit that header size, so the whole ball dosen’t have to show.
Since our site is in the making, we have not a big budget, so I cannot offer anything. But this would look excellent in a portfolio!
If you are interested contact me below, or post a folio!
AIM: scmarco10
MSN: southckid10@hotmail.com
YIM: odpkid10