Heirarchy of empty clips

Ok gang,
I’m having a problem understanding the heiarchy of empty mc’s within eachother. I have my main stage and an empty movie clip which loads the galleries when called upon. Now the gallery pages have buttons which are MC’s and and they load the main images into the gallery swf. Now the main stage loads the gallery fine into the empty clip on the main stage, but when it loads, some of the functions in the gallery do not work. The button rollovers do not work and they do not load the main pictures into it’s own empty mc.
I just don’t understand how you would write that code onto the buttons.
Here is an example of how I have the code in the gallery mc.

Now when that gallery with the above code loads into the main stage, nothing works. (photoloader is the empty MC which is on the gallery stage.


What happens if you were to remove _root. from your script?

absolutely nothing.

Hmmm… maybe a more experienced user has the right answer. Sorry.

Hey it’s cool. Appreciate the shot.

okay let me see if I got this right you have
–[Photo1] <–these have button actions (press, release, rollover, etc)

and you want to load the pictures into the photo movieclips, however when you do this none of the actionscript on them works.
If I followed you right thats the symtoms…now for the solution.
But first explaination of the problem, if you load something into a movieclip it removes all aspects of the movieclip, and then the movieclip takes on the form and traits of the loaded material. This is easy to fix here’s how…
Simply add another empty movieclip into which the pic is actually loaded, inside the photo movieclip. ie
–[photo1] <–target these/put actions on these
—[empty] <–these will change with parent
–[photo2] <–changing these will change the pics
Then you target the photo clips and any resizing, clicking, etc will do so to the photo.