Hello and I really need help on transitions between SWF's

Hi Everyone!

First of all, I want to say HELLO and a BIG thanks to Kirupa and everyone who’s contributed to this site. I’ve been coming back over and over to get guidance as I’m pretty new to coding. I’ve been a graphic designer for years and I realize that it would be a good idea to improve my coding skills.

Second of all, I’ve upgraded to Flash 8 a couple of months ago and 'm currently working on a website for a director’s showreel. This site is full-Flash (I usually combine Flash & HTML) and I’m having a problem with the coding for transitions between SWF’s.
I’ve been all over the web (and kirupa.com) to find a solution and there’s stuff that’s close, but doesn’t quite solve my problem:

I found the relevant tutorial (Transitions between eternal SWF’s - THANK YOU, Voetsjoeba!), followed all the instructions (even going over EVERYTHING via the .fla files), but it doesn’t seem to work. When I test out the main SWF, the buttons don’t do anything. I even started all over from scratch just to make sure I didn’t miss anything out. Is it because it was made for MX and I’m doing it in Flash 8?

Please help me out!
Thanks a bundle in advance,