Hello flashers need help in FMX script

(-: wassup i just found this place n is the best explained i’ve seen :beer: i’m very newbie in this matters of actionscript :hat:
at this moment i’m just doing so simple things just to add whistles n bells :bounce:

maybe is a very very simple question about ASc but i’d like to know how can i made this effect this one in FMX

the only thing i want to know is, how to make the fade in, then make it stay for a few seconds, and then make appear fading another image, (the turning letters are not important) with actionscript; yup i know that a simple motion tween will work but i want to keep the lowest size of each file cause are several ones loaded with load movie statement

maybe is a first degree question :nerd: but i guess all were at the same point once before mastering ASc :blush:

thanks :whistle: