Please forgive me, I am an extreme noob. I’ve been trying to follow a Hello World tutorial to try and get my head around how to use Flash with php and Mysql.
I just can’t seem to get it to work.
Any help would be greatly apreciated. Sorry if this thread is in the wrong place, and sorry if I post my code incorrectly, as I said im completely new to this.
This project is running on Wampserver. It has a database called “helloworld” on phpMyadmin with 2 tables called “id” and “message”.
AS3 code
import FP9.flash.com.ps.php.as3.*;
var DB_loc:String = "http://localhost/php/";
//----------BEGIN SELECT hw------------------
function hwselect(){
var hw_table = "hello_world";
//--Array should be the table row names you wish to pull from
var hw_tableRow:Array = new Array();
hw_tableRow[0] = "id";
hw_tableRow[1] = "message";
//--where , like and what arrays must be the same length arrays
//--must have at least a zero value for the array which can
//--be blank ie where[0] = "";
//where to look
var hw_where:Array = new Array();
hw_where[0] = "";
/*values can be = <> > < <= >= BETWEEN LIKE IN You can put TABLE (i.e =TABLE)after any of the operators to use a table field in the what array value*/
var hw_like:Array = new Array();
hw_like[0] = "";
//What to look for
var hw_what:Array = new Array();
hw_what[0] = "";
//What to look for
var hw_functionStrings:Array = new Array();
hw_functionStrings[0] = "";
//orderBy and ASC arrays must have the same amount of items in the array.
//What to look for
var hw_orderBy:Array = new Array();
hw_orderBy[0] = "";
//What to look for
var hw_ASC:Array = new Array();
hw_ASC[0] = "";
var hw_select:SelectDB = new SelectDB(hw_table, hw_tableRow, hw_where, hw_like, hw_what, hw_orderBy, hw_ASC, hw_returnFunction, hw_functionStrings, DB_loc);
//--Return function
//you can seperate the values out using vars.the var you want.
//you already know the returned values because you set them with the tableRow array (i.e. vars.message)
function hw_returnFunction(vars:URLVariables, selectRows:Array, functionStrings:Array){
for(var i:Number = 0; i<vars.cantId; i++){
for(var ii:Number = 0; ii<selectRows.length; ii++){
test.text += vars[selectRows[ii]+""+i] + " - ";
Then it has a “db_connect.php” file stored in localhost/php/db/
and a “securitybridge.php” file stored in localhost/php/
PHP - "db_connect.php"
<?php $conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "admin", "admin") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('helloworld', $conn) or die(mysql_error());?>
PHP securitybridge.php
<?//---------------Due to security concerns you must have this set on the server since flash can only md5 or sha encrypt data.include("db/db_connect.php");//---------------Get Query type vars--------------------$qtype = $_POST['qtype'];if($qtype == "s"){ include("queries/selectDB.php");}else if($qtype == "u"){ include("queries/updateDB.php");}else if($qtype == "i"){ include("queries/insertDB.php");}else if($qtype == "d"){ include("queries/deleteDB.php");}exit();?>
There are also the following .php files located in localhost/php/queries/…
<?//---------------Due to security concerns you must have this set on the server since flash can only md5 or sha encrypt data.include("db/db_connect.php");//---------------Get Query type vars--------------------$qtype = $_POST['qtype'];if($qtype == "s"){ include("queries/selectDB.php");}else if($qtype == "u"){ include("queries/updateDB.php");}else if($qtype == "i"){ include("queries/insertDB.php");}else if($qtype == "d"){ include("queries/deleteDB.php");}exit();?>
<?php//---------------Set user vars--------------------$forCount = $_POST['selectRowsLength'];$ASCCount = $_POST['ASCLength'];$tableName = $_POST['table1'];
//To run this function flash needs to pass in "fc and tn then tr* and trv*"$tableValues = "";$nextValue = "";$va = array();for ($ia=0; $ia<$forCount; $ia++){ if ($ia != 0){ $tableValues .= ",'"; }else{ $tableValues .= "'"; } $nextValue = 'valueRows'.$ia; $va[$ia] = $_POST[$nextValue]; $tableValues .= "$va[$ia]"; $tableValues .= "'";}
//----------------//To run this function flash needs to pass in "fc and tn then tr* and trv*"$tableRows = "";$nextTr = "";$tra = array();
for ($i=0; $i<$forCount; $i++){ if ($i != 0){ $tableRows .= ", "; } $nextTr = 'selectRows'.$i; $tra[$i] = $_POST[$nextTr]; $tableRows .= "$tra[$i]";}//---------------End set user vars----------------//------------------------------------------------
//-------------add user function------------------ mysql_query("INSERT INTO $tableName($tableRows) VALUES($tableValues)"); // --start output string with number of entries-- echo "insertAction=Complete";?>
<?php//---------------Set user vars--------------------$forCount = $_POST['selectRowsLength'];$whereCount = $_POST['whereLength'];$ASCCount = $_POST['ASCLength'];$tableName = $_POST['table1'];//$ASC = $_POST['ASC'];//$orderBy = $_POST['orderBy'];$ASCTr = "";$orderByTr = "";$tableOrderByASC = "";$ASC = array();$orderBy = array();if($_POST['ASC0'] != "" && $_POST['orderBy0'] != ""){for ($iii=0; $iii<$ASCCount; $iii++){ if ($iii != 0){ $tableOrderByASC .= ", "; }else{ $tableOrderByASC .= "ORDER BY "; } $ASCTr = 'ASC'.$iii; $ASC[$iii] = $_POST[$ASCTr]; $orderByTr = 'orderBy'.$iii; $orderBy[$iii] = $_POST[$orderByTr]; $tableASC = "$ASC[$iii]"; $tableOrderBy = "$orderBy[$iii]"; $tableOrderByASC .= "$tableOrderBy"; if($ASC[$iii] == "ASC"){ $tableOrderByASC .= " ASC"; }else{ $tableOrderByASC .= " DESC"; }}}//------------//echo "cantId=23";$whereTr = "";$likeTr = "";$whatTr = "";$tableWhere_What = "";$where1 = array();$like1 = array();$what1 = array();if($_POST['whereA0'] != "" && $_POST['whatA0'] != ""){for ($ii=0; $ii<$whereCount; $ii++){ if ($ii != 0){ $tableWhere_What .= " AND "; }else{ $tableWhere_What .= "WHERE "; } $whereTr = 'whereA'.$ii; $where1[$ii] = $_POST[$whereTr]; $likeTr = 'likeA'.$ii; $like1[$ii] = $_POST[$likeTr]; $whatTr = 'whatA'.$ii; $what1[$ii] = $_POST[$whatTr]; $tableWhere = "$where1[$ii]"; $tableWhere1 = "$what1[$ii]"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere"; if($like1[$ii] == "LIKE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " LIKE '%"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "%'"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "="){ $tableWhere_What .= " = '"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "'"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "<>"){ $tableWhere_What .= " <> '"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "'"; }else if($like1[$ii] == ">"){ $tableWhere_What .= " > '"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "'"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "<"){ $tableWhere_What .= " < '"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "'"; }else if($like1[$ii] == ">="){ $tableWhere_What .= " >= '"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "'"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "<="){ $tableWhere_What .= " <= '"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "'"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "BETWEEN"){ $tableWhere_What .= " BETWEEN "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "IN"){ $tableWhere_What .= " IN ("; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= ")"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "=TABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " = "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "TABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " = "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "<>TABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " <> "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "LIKETABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " LIKE "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; }else if($like1[$ii] == ">TABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " > "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "<TABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " < "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= ""; }else if($like1[$ii] == ">=TABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " >= "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= ""; }else if($like1[$ii] == "<=TABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " <= "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= ""; }else if($like1[$ii] == "BETWEENTABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " BETWEEN "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "INTABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " IN ("; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= ")"; }else{ $tableWhere_What .= " = '"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "'"; }}}//----------------//To run this function flash needs to pass in "fc and tn then tr* and trv*"$tableRows = "";$nextTr = "";$tra = array();
for ($i=0; $i<$forCount; $i++){ if ($i != 0){ $tableRows .= ", "; } $nextTr = 'selectRows'.$i; $tra[$i] = $_POST[$nextTr]; $tableRows .= "$tra[$i]";}//---------------End set user vars----------------//------------------------------------------------
//-------------add user function------------------ $result = mysql_query("SELECT $tableRows FROM $tableName $tableWhere_What $tableOrderByASC"); // --start output string with number of entries-- $cant = 0; while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ for ($i=0; $i<$forCount; $i++){ //$traSplit = split(".",""); $myTra = $tra[$i]; if (preg_match("/[.]/", $myTra)) { list($M21, $M22) = split('[.]', $myTra); $myTra = $M22; } echo "$myTra"; echo "$cant"; echo "="; echo "$row[$myTra]"; echo "&"; } $cant++; } echo "cantId=$cant";?>
<?php//---------------Set user vars--------------------$forCount = $_POST['selectRowsLength'];$whereCount = $_POST['whereLength'];$ASCCount = $_POST['ASCLength'];$tableName = $_POST['table1'];//$ASC = $_POST['ASC'];//$orderBy = $_POST['orderBy'];$ASCTr = "";$orderByTr = "";$tableOrderByASC = "";$ASC = array();$orderBy = array();if($_POST['ASC0'] != "" && $_POST['orderBy0'] != ""){for ($iii=0; $iii<$ASCCount; $iii++){ if ($iii != 0){ $tableOrderByASC .= ", "; }else{ $tableOrderByASC .= "ORDER BY "; } $ASCTr = 'ASC'.$iii; $ASC[$iii] = $_POST[$ASCTr]; $orderByTr = 'orderBy'.$iii; $orderBy[$iii] = $_POST[$orderByTr]; $tableASC = "$ASC[$iii]"; $tableOrderBy = "$orderBy[$iii]"; $tableOrderByASC .= "$tableOrderBy"; if($ASC[$iii] == "ASC"){ $tableOrderByASC .= " ASC"; }else{ $tableOrderByASC .= " DESC"; }}}//------------//echo "cantId=23";$whereTr = "";$likeTr = "";$whatTr = "";$tableWhere_What = "";$where1 = array();$like1 = array();$what1 = array();if($_POST['whereA0'] != "" && $_POST['whatA0'] != ""){for ($ii=0; $ii<$whereCount; $ii++){ if ($ii != 0){ $tableWhere_What .= " AND "; }else{ $tableWhere_What .= "WHERE "; } $whereTr = 'whereA'.$ii; $where1[$ii] = $_POST[$whereTr]; $likeTr = 'likeA'.$ii; $like1[$ii] = $_POST[$likeTr]; $whatTr = 'whatA'.$ii; $what1[$ii] = $_POST[$whatTr]; $tableWhere = "$where1[$ii]"; $tableWhere1 = "$what1[$ii]"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere"; if($like1[$ii] == "LIKE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " LIKE '%"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "%'"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "="){ $tableWhere_What .= " = '"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "'"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "<>"){ $tableWhere_What .= " <> '"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "'"; }else if($like1[$ii] == ">"){ $tableWhere_What .= " > '"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "'"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "<"){ $tableWhere_What .= " < '"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "'"; }else if($like1[$ii] == ">="){ $tableWhere_What .= " >= '"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "'"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "<="){ $tableWhere_What .= " <= '"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "'"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "BETWEEN"){ $tableWhere_What .= " BETWEEN "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "IN"){ $tableWhere_What .= " IN ("; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= ")"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "=TABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " = "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "TABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " = "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "<>TABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " <> "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "LIKETABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " LIKE "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; }else if($like1[$ii] == ">TABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " > "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "<TABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " < "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= ""; }else if($like1[$ii] == ">=TABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " >= "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= ""; }else if($like1[$ii] == "<=TABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " <= "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= ""; }else if($like1[$ii] == "BETWEENTABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " BETWEEN "; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; }else if($like1[$ii] == "INTABLE"){ $tableWhere_What .= " IN ("; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= ")"; }else{ $tableWhere_What .= " = '"; $tableWhere_What .= "$tableWhere1"; $tableWhere_What .= "'"; }}}//----------------//To run this function flash needs to pass in "fc and tn then tr* and trv*"$tableRows = "";$nextTr = "";$tra = array();$tableValues = "";$nextValue = "";$va = array();for ($ia=0; $ia<$forCount; $ia++){ if ($ia != 0){ $tableValues .= ","; }else{ } $nextTr = 'selectRows'.$ia; $tra[$ia] = $_POST[$nextTr]; $tableValues .= "$tra[$ia]"; $tableValues .= "='"; $nextValue = 'valueRows'.$ia; $va[$ia] = $_POST[$nextValue]; $tableValues .= "$va[$ia]"; $tableValues .= "'";}//---------------End set user vars----------------//------------------------------------------------
//-------------add user function------------------ $result = mysql_query("UPDATE $tableName SET $tableValues $tableWhere_What"); // --start output string with number of entries-- $cant = 0; echo "updateAction=Complete";?>
The code is supposed to populate a text box (test.text) in Flash with the data from mysql, but i just get a blank screen.
The flash file only has warnings which are mentioned in the video as being unimportant.
If asking help of this kind is bad form, then I apologise in advance of any upset.
Thanks for any help.