Help - Adding up dynamic variables from MovieClips

Hi Guys!
I’m ripping my hair out over this one, so if anyone could shout some suggestions my wy I’d be forever in your debt!
Basically I’ve been building a web based order form and my client want the ability to add items (as many as you want) and for them to be totalled up.
I’ve used Kirupas Scrollpane with Dynamic Mc’s tutorial to add my products, but I can’t seem to add them up!
Each product adds up it’s subtotal in the dynamically attached Mc and outputs the variable ‘subtotal’
In my root I have this function to call the subtotals, but I can’t seem to get it to add up each of them to output a total…
Any suggestions ?

Here’s my add up function

valued_btn.onRelease = function() {
		if (i != 0) {
var total:Number = scrollPane.spContentHolder["form"+i].tag.subtotal;

Any help would be amazing :slight_smile:
