I want my movie clip (a simple box) to fade out when the mouse isn’t near it. I put together this code myself and it doesn’t work. Keep in mind that I know near nothing about actionscript.
onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
xclip = getProperty(_target,_x);
yclip = getProperty(_target,_y);
xcurs = _root._xmouse;
ycurs = _root._ymouse;
alphax = Math.abs(xclip-xcur);
alphay = Math.abs(yclip-ycur);
if (alphax<200) {
if (alphay<200) {
talphax = Math.round((200-alphax)/4);
talphay = Math.round((200-alphay)/4);
allalpha = talphax + talphay;
setProperty ( _target, _alpha, allalpha);