Help clone object from library as3

I have this “left half of a door” image in my library, and I did cloned
the same image to the stage, making it “right half of a door”… but really would like to know what would be the right way of doing such things…

Simply do:

var doorLeft = new Door();
            doorLeft.x = 316;
            doorLeft.y = 194;
            var doorRight = new Door();
            doorRight.x = 502;
            doorRight.y = 194;
            doorRight.scaleX *= -1;

or more like:

var doorLeft = new Door();
            doorLeft.x = 316;
            doorLeft.y = 194;
 function cloneDoor(source:DisplayObject,sourceX:Number,sourceY:Number):void{
    var objectClass:Class = Object(source).constructor;
    var doorRight:Sprite = new objectClass() as Sprite;    
    doorRight.x = sourceX;
    doorRight.y = sourceY;
    doorRight.scaleX *= -1; 

Should I just make new instance, or do it through function? Is there a memory issues in one of those, what hurts Flash more?