Hello all,
I hope you can help me doing things better, here is my question :
I made a flash website with 7 buttons (all designed differently and stocked in my library), I’m using an external document class as to pilot everything and I d’like to find a way to code my different buttons states simplier than making 7x 3 functions for mouseover, mouseout and mousedown.
For now, I’m targeting my buttons this way :
“navbuttons” is the main MC in my library that contains the 7 buttons so that it’s easier for me to place them the way I want. “bio_mc” is the instance name of one of them in ùy flash library.
the Over function will manage a simple color change of the button, and the Down function will launch an external swf based on the id of the button and an array created that holds the differents swf urls.
Please help, i’m stuck…
Huge thanks !!!