Help! CPU usage is 100%?

I have alot(1000+) of textfields and that itself seems to be using up 100% of the cpu. Also when my cursor is over a button the cpu usage actually went down to about 70%. But if I rollout of the button, the cpu usage goes back to 100%. Why is this?

The following is my textfield class.

package Classes {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    public class CbasicTextField extends Sprite {
  private var oRender:Object;
        private var myTextField:TextField;
  private var myTextFieldContainer:MovieClip;
        private var myText:String;
  private var textType:uint;
  private var xPos:Number;
  private var yPos:Number;
        public function CbasicTextField(oRender:Object, myText:String, textType:uint, xPos:Number, yPos:Number) {
   this.oRender = oRender;
   this.myText = myText;
   this.textType = textType;
   this.xPos = xPos;
   this.yPos = yPos;
   this.myTextField.text = this.myText;
   this.myTextFieldContainer.x = this.xPos;
   this.myTextFieldContainer.y = this.yPos;
  public function getWidth():Number {
   return this.myTextField.width;
  public function getTextFieldContainer():MovieClip {
   return this.myTextFieldContainer;
  public function remove():void {
        private function configureMyTextField():void {
            this.myTextField = new TextField();
            this.myTextField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
   this.myTextField.selectable = false;
            //myTextField.border = true;
   var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
   if (textType == 0) { // smallest text(for buttons, and rants)
    format.font = "somybmp02_7";
    format.color = 0xFFFFFF;
    format.size = 7;
   } else if (textType == 1) { // for titles
    format.font = "PF Ronda Seven";
    format.color = 0xFFFFFF;
    format.size = 8;    
            this.myTextField.defaultTextFormat = format;
   this.myTextFieldContainer = new MovieClip();