Hi, i have been working on a flash game for some time now. The game is based on that 2 characters are supposed to kill each other (no ****). They both start on each side of a wall with a random generated floor beneath them. The floor is made out of 3 different kind of cubes. One explosive, one destructible and one indestructible. every turn each player get 2 shots. Right now im stuck in the progress of the developing. I have created a random generated floor and one character that is able to jump and walk. He can also aim with his arm. Could anybody make my character able to shoot a projectile when the mouse button is clicked and then explain to me how it works? If you have enough skill to make the cubes destruct, explode or absorb the projectile that would be great. The variable that controls the arm rotation is “redplayer.redarm._rotation”
Thanks in advance for helping me out, the flash file is attached