HELP! enabled = false; for only a duration

Greetings! Its amazing how fast things get complicated in flash, and flash is just amazing period. I two buttons which are actually MCs, actually four, but i’m only dealing with two for now. Button A does something when pressed, and Button B tells Button A to ‘put away’ what it just did. This transition takes anywhere from 0-1.5 seconds. Everything works according to plan except I discovered that anyone can just press Button A again within that 0-1.5 seconds and mess things up.

I have been playing around with ‘enabled’ function so I tacked this onto Button B:

_root.button_a.enabled = false;

That worked the way I wanted it to except I’m not sure how to enable it again. I would like to have it set itself back to enable = true; after the 1.5 second duration. Is this at all possible? I am new to AS and its terminology so if there is a better way, I am all ears of course.
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Thank you very kindly.
