okay, so i’ve worked with flash 5 before, but where i am at right now… i can only use flash 4. im trying to do a kind of a slide show and right now nothing is working!
wat i have so far is in the attachment.
basically i have 3 movie clips, and i want a nav bar to navigate between the 3. there are 3 buttons, forward, backward, and rewind ( repeat). one idea i had was to make each movie clip set 3 variables when they end. the three variables are:
basically, if the movie clip was the first one, it would set “forward” to a number, say 3, where 3 is the frame # where the next movie clip starts, “previous”, would be set to “nothing” because there is no previous clip, and “rewind” would be the number of frame where the current movie started.
on each button, i wanted it so when u click on it,
forward would play the frame number of the variable “forward”
if the variable was “” or “nothing”, it would not do anything at all.
previous would work the same way as forward, except that it uses the variable “previous”
rewind etc.
the problem is, i have no idea how to do this with the actionscript i have in flash 4. i was wondering if there was an easier way to do this, without using variables.
any help would greatly be appreciated, if it is not possible to do wth flash 4, then can you show me how to do it in MX (i can get a trial version)