[HELP FLASH!] Separate the string data into different variables?

Hi peeps,

I have a string that is sent from PHP to Flash. When I Trace the string in flash, it prints the followings:

First Name: Mickey
Last Name: M
Designation: Mouse
Email: Mouse@yahoo.com
Mobile: 12345678
Office: 12345678
Company: Mickey House

I would like to ask if there is a way to separate the string line by line and put them into different variables in Flash.

For example: The first line I want to save it in Variable_A. So when I Trace(Variable_A), it will print out:

First Name: Mickey

For example: The second line I want to save it in Variable_B. So when I Trace(Variable_B), it will print out:

Last Name: M

Help is appreciated !! :te: