Hi, I’m sort of new to this.
I have a navigation menu, for a site, that is on a motion guide it slides up and down. Each button is a movie clip with four frame lables:
I have functions for each “out”, “over” and “visited” This indicates to the user the rollover and rollout effect, and if they have clicked that button before.
The button also jumps to a frame label on the main timeline (onRelease) to load an external .swf (the site content specific to that button).
I simply want to do an if statement that says if the main timeline’s current frame is equal to the specific frame label then gotoAndPlay(“on”) but whatever i do is not working.
Here is what I have so far:
var frameLabels:Array = new Array[(“framelabel1”,“framelable2”)]
var curFrame = _root._currentframe
function gotoOver() {
function gotoOut() {
function visited() {
this.onRollOver = null;
this.onRollOut = null;
_root.nav_mc.buttonWheel_mc.afternoon_btn.onRollOver = gotoOver;
_root.nav_mc.buttonWheel_mc.afternoon_btn.onRollOut = gotoOut;
_root.nav_mc.buttonWheel_mc.afternoon_btn.onPress = visited;
_root.nav_mc.buttonWheel_mc.afternoon_btn.onRelease = function():Void{
if(curFrame == frameLabels[“framelabel1”])
Or if anyone has a better idea of how to do this. It doesn’t seem that complicated for some reason just can’t get it! Any help is much appreciated.