Help: French currency and the like

Below is a code we’re using that separates 1000s with commas and two decimals at the end. So something like 100000.00 is 100,000.00
We need to change it to a French version. We’re told it involves a space and commas. So $100.00 is 100,00 $ in French.
And 500,000.00 would be 500 000,00

Is there an easy way to change the code we’re using to reflect the change? Or is there some other code you can suggest.
Thanks for the help.

function numberFormat(number:*, maxDecimals:int = 2, forceDecimals:Boolean = false, siStyle:Boolean = true):String
var i:int = 0;
var inc:Number = Math.pow(10, maxDecimals);
var str:String = String(Math.round(inc * Number(number))/inc);
var hasSep:Boolean = str.indexOf(".") == -1, sep:int = hasSep ? str.length : str.indexOf(".");
var ret:String = (hasSep && !forceDecimals ? "" : (siStyle ? "," : ".")) + str.substr(sep+1);
if (forceDecimals) {
for (var j:int = 0; j <= maxDecimals - (str.length - (hasSep ? sep-1 : sep)); j++) ret += "0";
 while (i + 3 < (str.substr(0, 1) == "-" ? sep-1 : sep)) ret = (siStyle ? "." : ",") + str.substr(sep - (i += 3), 3) + ret;

  return str.substr(0, sep - i) + ret;
