Help getting a flash 6 template into flash 8

I’ve been trying day and night to get my flash site working. I broke down and paid for a template to make things easier. But it turned out harder…

This is the template I purchased:

I want to embed an external flv to my site which requires flash 8. Unfortunately my template is written in flash 6. When I change the publish mode to flash 8 (or 7) and export movie. The portfolio entrance is all funky (it does not work).

I would post the fla; but there is copy right issues since I purchased a single copy of the template. If you are interested in helping me; i would send you a copy of the fla for the purpose of you helping me. I would be very grateful.

Here’s a snippet of the code I think is having problems… but the variable used are beyond me.

onClipEvent(load) {

on(rollOver) {
if(<>num) {

on(rollOut, releaseOutside) {
if(<>num) {
this.gotoAndPlay(_totalframes - _currentframe);

on(release) {
if(<>num and _root.animation==1) {
_parent[“item” +].gotoAndPlay(“s2”);;;

onClipEvent (load) {
accel = _root.accel;
rate = _root.rate;



onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

width = width * accel + (targetwidth - _width) * rate;
_width += width;
if(Math.abs(targetwidth-_width)&lt;1) { _width=targetwidth; }

x = x * accel + (targetx - _x) * rate;
_x += x;


_parent.title._x=_x - _width/2;


onClipEvent (load) {
accel = _root.accel;
rate = _root.rate;


onClipEvent(enterFrame) {

x = x * accel + (targetx - _x) * rate;
_x += x;


Respond to this post or e-mail me at with your e-mail so I could send you the fla.
