Help getting Day of Week from DateField Component

Hi again,
So I making a flash contact form for reservations. I dragged the DateField component onto the stage, gave it an instance name of rDate_txt and it works great in picking a date and sending to my php emailer. Its formatted like 10 Apr 2008.

Now, Im trying to calculate the day of the week based on the date. I can calculate todays date with…

 myDate = new Date();
    daytext = myDate.getDay();
    switch (daytext)
        case 0:
            daytext = "SUNDAY";
        case 1:
            daytext = "MONDAY";
        case 2:
            daytext = "TUESDAY";
        case 3:
            daytext = "WEDNESDAY";
        case 4:
            daytext = "THURSDAY";
        case 5:
            daytext = "FRIDAY";
        case 6:
            daytext = "SATURDAY";
    } // End of switch

Can anyone help me get the date chosen from the DateField component?

Once I get the day of the week, I need to make a different ComboBox visible if its a Friday or Saturday. So I would think I need to set up an onchange listener?

Thanks In Advance!