Dear everyone,
I want so badly to design a Flash site in which all the information/pics/clips/everything is “there at once, just not visible.” The kind of site that seems to emulate camera panning to move from one section to another.
I realize I could do this easily in a linear fashion from scene to scene, but I would like to be able to move freely between sections/parts so that you can see everything fly by as the “camera” pans to the next section.
I have read the tutorials by senocular, but these are designed to do 3D camera panning. Does anyone have any idea how to do this. An example that is close to what I am talking about is a site like
I am in love with that navigation style, and want so badly to be able to create something along those lines.
Can anyone point me towards a tutorial, thread, anything that would get me started on understanding how to do it. Not asking anyone to do the work for me, just point me in the right direction.
Haha, i read Nokrev’s post about that. I’m not asking anyone to do any work or anything like that and I DID use the search, but found nothing that could help me.
Just asking that if anyone has ever come across a tutorial on how to make a site in which:
-Everything is “on the stage at once” just not within the view of the user.
-Clicking on an item gives the appearance of a camera zooming in on that particular clip/item/photo/quote.
-Clicking outside of that clip/item/etc will zoom the “camera” back out
-Clicking on an item not in the center of the stage would pan the “camera” to it, and then zoom in.
Thanks, so from that would i eliminate depth in some way so that it just pans from left to right, rather than spinning the camera?
My misuse of the term “panning” probably hasn’t helped. I would meen a movement from side to side, up and down, etc Rather than the actual meaning of the term panning which is turning the camera.
Well ultimately you have to calculate the coordinates and move main movieclip(which contains all your those paper thumbnails or any mc).
So when you click say on a left-top thumbail you will need to put the main parent mc on stage such that now left-top should come in center… just find x and y distances and animate movement of main holder mc…