Help im maken ta ranking system pls read

I need to create a ranking system were it loads names from mysql but when it loads the names it creats a movie clip so each name has its own movie clip and can be dragged on the stage to numbers 1, 2, 3 etc… so the team names can be ranked. does any one have any idea how this can be done thanx. down blow is what the rankings.php file displays it grabs data from my sql and displays the team names from the data base
$num = $_GET[num];
$div = $_GET[div];
$conf = $_GET[conf];

$user = "root";
$pass = "zebzabdallas";
$db = "league";
$conn = mysql_connect( "localhost", $user , $pass );
if ( ! $conn )
die( "Couldn't connect to the database" );
mysql_select_db( $db, $conn )
or die( "Couldn't open $db: ".mysql_error() );	
$i = 0;
while ($rank = mysql_fetch_array($ranksql)) {
	echo "name".$i."=".$rank

$ranksql = mysql_query("SELECT, s.rpi,,, t.conf FROM ".$div."_standings AS s, ".$div."_teams AS t WHERE = AND t.conf = '$conf' ORDER BY s.rpi DESC LIMIT $num");


ok so when the above code is executed it then shows whats below i need this info to be loaded into flash like i explaind above.

name0=Green Berets&id0=945&name1=eGameHall.eVo&id1=817&name2=Web&id2=967&name3=crisis Factor&id3=955&name4=Constantly Bored Crustaceans&id4=960&name5=MamazKillaZ&id5=716&name6=havok eXtreme&id6=947&name7=No Such Agency&id7=1005&name8=echoes of silence&id8=1012&name9=Hard Clan&id9=948&name10=Initial&id10=1017&name11=Den!ed&id11=1002&name12=So Owned But Why&id12=926&name13=draino&id13=963&name14=In Your Eye&id14=969&name15=cruciaL&id15=1016&name16=Fear Factor&id16=949&name17=f5&id17=946&name18=Familia&id18=903&name19=The Mercenary Outpost&id19=392&name20=adverse Reality&id20=959&name21=drift&id21=1004&name22=Expect Zero Error&id22=925&name23=skoal Mint&id23=966&name24=Pride Over Ego&id24=954&name25=Eternal Dust Legends&id25=865&name26=Legion of Fallen Souls&id26=662&name27=Apocalyptic Fate&id27=953&name28=4bidden&id28=964&name29=Out of Focus&id29=899&