Hi there!
I seriously need some help with an issue in Flash 8 that’s been driving me crazy the last couple of weeks.
Here’s the scenario and problem:
I’m building this website in flash. I have a master.fla which contains a couple of buttons, background graphic and the logo. Then I tell the buttons to import different .swf’s when they’re clicked into this empty container-movieclip on the stage. This works fine.
The .swf-file its importing is the main.swf which include the intro-page and welcome message. This welcome message is a dynamic multiline text-box and is set to display text as bitmap (no anti-alias). This because it is supposed to be loaded in from an external .txt-file.
Anyway, this textbox is placed inside a movieclip on the main.swf stage so that I can animate it. It moves a couple of pixels up from an alpha of 0% to 100% (fades in from underneath).
So, back in master.swf, when I test my movie the main.swf is imported but the quality of the text inside the main.swf is really bad! Just look at these screenshots:
Here is what it looks like when I test main.swf
Here is what it looks like when I test master.swf and the main.swf is imported.
Can someone PLEASE help me with this!? (Btw, the text is in norwegian if anyone wondered:) )
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this!