[help] internal swf link?

Hi. Im sure there is a way to this. Im just not sure how. And its causing me to have a huge headache! :sen: ha ha ha

I have a flash document with thumbnails in and I have AS on each of these thumbnails. They are each buttons.

So when you click on one of these buttons a swf will load into this empty MC. Its something like this.

on (release) {
_root.body_all.body_pants = “shorts_yellow”;
//Unload Dresses

I want to know if you can use this in a different way so that the swf isn’t loading externally, but maybe there is some sort of linkage within the library or inside the document? Hope this makes sense?

The reason I’m asking is cause at the moment some of these swf’s are taking too long to load on the server. Is there someway of making them load quicker or something?

Thanks so much!! :smiley: :smiley:

Have them be off-stage and move them into place, instead of loading external swfs. That will cause it to load in your first preloader.

yes, you can use the export for actionscript option in the movieclip instance properties and asign it a linkage identifier. This way you can now dynamically load it from the library at runtime without having to call it externally. The only draw back to this is file size, but if you are not concerned with file size then you are good. Another option would be to preload all needed external assets into the browsers cache at initial load of the main swf (note I am not meaning load them onto the stage only into browser cache), and then dump them. This will make the load when called a lot faster because the browser pulls them from the users cache. There are a few preloader class files available to do this and they are simple to use.
