Does anyone remember the 3D universe created by (no clue…), featuring a virtual timeline of sneakers created?
dunno if it was adidas, puma, nike, whatever, I just can’t find it
Does anyone remember the 3D universe created by (no clue…), featuring a virtual timeline of sneakers created?
dunno if it was adidas, puma, nike, whatever, I just can’t find it
No, sorry
The one i’m looking for was in a 3D’ish universe. Lines and junk all over. really laggy too…
95% sure it was nike
I have it as a bookmark on my office pc. At home now but if you’ve still not got it tomorrow I’ll post it here
thanks rab
? middle one on the top row has the history of the jordans
Still no go, but that is darn sweet
It was more primitive I think, urgh… hard to explain…
I am sure that is Nike.
I´ll post the link here, … when i remember it. lol :S
Still not it
But this is even better… allright, screw the initial hunt, thanks Simp!
ok, think this might be it
site should open in a window but if you’ve got a pop-up blocker it might not
3-d, nike trainers, think this is it
Nope, sorry Rab
:lol: nps… glad I could provide you with something even better than you were lookin for :thumb2:
I have most of the Nike and adidas mini sites and what not bookmarked and those are the only things I could find. Didn’t really bother w/ Puma:crazy:
:lol: I was sure that was it :mu:
ah well, so long as you got there…kinda
nice site simp :thumb:
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