Help me!

ok, I got a movie clip that plays and stops during rollover. if rollout occurs, i want the movie to continue playing without the stop. i have an invisible button underneath the animation so actually, rollover for the invisible button should cause the animation continue without the stop, here is the code:

code for invisible button:

code for movie

now, both the button and the movie are both inside another movie clip which is inside the main timeline.

my problem is at anytime during the dubugger, the stopFlag is undefined. im a computer science major and i have taken the scoping tutorial so i understand scope, but i dont understand why stopFlag is never defined.

ive also tried this.stopFlag, menu.stopFlag (menu is what the movie instance is called) and putting it in different places like onClipEvent(load), but its just never defined anywhere.

someone please help!!!

the file is attached if anyone wants to look at it… the movie clip is the menu circle in the bottom left. it is supposed to stay open at the top and close (continue playing) at rollover for the invisible button. any input on anything else is also welcome. thanks again

Upload your .fla to the forum so people can have a look at it to fix it. That would help alot. :slight_smile:

i thought i did, oops

someone has got to understand this better then i do!

i’m gonna be honest with you, i don’t know what your talking about and i couldn’t download your FLA. but i’m gonna take a stabb at it anyways.

Instead of using just one button for the rollOVER and rollOUT, i used 2 blank buttons. on for roll over and the other for roll out. i made a movieclip with both buttons in it.

the first one is the rollOver in frame 1 – focus –
the second is rollOut in frame 2 – everything else –

the roll over is used for the focus of whatever your trying to trigger, when you rollover that focus, an action is executed and that button is instantly removed. then it go’s to the next frame in the movieclip. this frame has the roll out button <so to speak> it uses a rollOVER action to trigger the rollOUT effect.

sense i already know you don’t know what i’m talking about I’ve uploaded a FLA for you to download. in this case the focus is a menu bar.

click me

much luv:
Blake aka playboy_94804

Have you decalred the StopFlag variable?