Help! movie clip contents on timeline

Hi there,
I’ve built a flash movie with some movie clips and now realize I actually need the content of one of the clips on the main timeline…

THE QUESTION: is it possible to get all the contents from a movie clip and place on the main timeline without painfully remaking the entire clip???

that’s possible. how? first, seleclt all the frames in the timeline of the mc you want to copy…then, copy the frames by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+C (or right click and choose “copy frames” from the option menu)… and finally, go to your main timeline, creat a new layer, then, paste the copied frames by pressing CTRL+SHFT+V (or right click then choose “paste frames” from the option menu)… i think that’s it… :smiley:

leftover: in some intances, converting the properties of that clip into “Graphic” will somewhat solve the problem…