Help needed loading swf from within another swf


[SIZE=1]This is my first post on here, and i’m really stuck with what i am trying to do![/SIZE]

[SIZE=1]Im new to AS3 but so far have coped well with the site i am building - i’m not great on refering to things in technical terms, so I appologise in advance![/SIZE]

[SIZE=1]Ok, here is how my site is laid out:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1]‘template.swf’ is basically just that - it has a navigation bar which loads external swfs (2 per button, a left hand swf and a right hand swf)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1]‘main_aboutmonkey.swf’ - this is the swf which is loaded into the right hand side of the template, when the home button is pressed[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1]‘main_appreciation.swf’ - this will be the second page I need to load into the template, on the right hand side[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1]The problem i’m having is loading the main_appreciation.swf from WITHIN the main_aboutmonkey.swf, rather than from the navigation on template.swf[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1]This is the code I am using:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1]Frame 1 on template.swf:[/SIZE]

var swfLoaderMain:Loader = new Loader();
swfLoaderMain.x = 291;   
swfLoaderMain.y = 77;
var swfLoaderLeft:Loader = new Loader();
swfLoaderLeft.x = 18;   
swfLoaderLeft.y = 111;
var swfRequestMainAboutMonkey:URLRequest = new URLRequest("swf/main_aboutmonkey.swf");
var swfRequestLeftAboutMonkey:URLRequest = new URLRequest("swf/left_aboutmonkey.swf");

[SIZE=1]On the Button which loads main_aboutmonkey.swf on the navigation of** template.swf**:[/SIZE]

nav_aboutmonkey.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, nav_aboutmonkeyOver);
nav_aboutmonkey.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, nav_aboutmonkeyOut);
nav_aboutmonkey.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nav_aboutmonkeyClick);
function nav_aboutmonkeyOver (event:MouseEvent):void{
function nav_aboutmonkeyOut (event:MouseEvent):void{
function nav_aboutmonkeyClick (e:MouseEvent):void

[SIZE=1]This code all works fine, and I have various buttons on the navigation and I am able to load different swf files from the different buttons.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1]So, I have a button within **main_aboutmonkey.swf **which should load to a seperate movie **(main_appreciation.swf) - **the problem is, that it loads main_appreciation.swf on top of main_aboutmonkey.swf, rather than removing main_aboutmonkey.swf first - here is the code which is on frame 1 on a movie clip (appsoc), in another movie clip (full movie) on the stage, of main_appreciation.swf[/SIZE]

var swfLoaderMain:Loader = new Loader();
swfLoaderMain.x = 291;   
swfLoaderMain.y = 77;
var swfLoaderLeft:Loader = new Loader();
swfLoaderLeft.x = 18;   
swfLoaderLeft.y = 111;
appsoc_invisibut.buttonMode = true;
appsoc_invisibut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, appsoc_invisibutOver);
appsoc_invisibut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, appsoc_invisibutOut);
appsoc_invisibut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, appsoc_invisibutClick);
function appsoc_invisibutOver (event:MouseEvent):void{
function appsoc_invisibutOut (event:MouseEvent):void{
function appsoc_invisibutClick (e:MouseEvent):void

[SIZE=1]Sorry this is so long winded, I just wanted to give as much information as possible,[/SIZE]

[SIZE=1]Any help would be much appreciated,[/SIZE]