Help Needed with a game I am making--Its about hitTest/duplicateMovieClip


I’m making a game with lots and lots of the same movie clips and I don’t want to give thousands of items the same actionscript. So logically I thought I should use actions on frames (makes sense…to me at least) but when I used that, nothing happened. can anyone explain what went wrong/how to fix it? I only need a little help. Heres the description:

I have a guy that when he hits a coin, the coin needs to disappear (I will use removeMovieClip later, but for now I want this) and change the dynamic text box to +1. The var name for the text box is “”. The instance name of the coin(s) is “coin_mc”. I put this code on the frame:

money = 00;

if (_root.guy.hitTest (_root.coin_mc)) {;
_root.coin_mc._x = -50;
_root.coin_mc._y = -50;


I know changing the x & y is “cheating”, but this is temporary. thank you for helping if you reply. Posting your name/answer to my problem will earn you a place in the credits of the game!!! (if it works):hugegrin:

PS-- I am currently toying with the code to get it to work.