Hi all,
i have used this code to make a textfield, but would like to know how to change it into a function so i can re-create the textfields anywhere i like and just change the value of tData to an other string.Im using 2004pro and actionScript2
var nWidth:Number = mcDisplayBackground._width;
var nHeight:Number = mcDisplayBackground._height+1;
var nX:Number = mcDisplayBackground._x+3;
var nY:Number = mcDisplayBackground._y-1.5;
this.createTextField(“tData”, this.getNextHighestDepth(), nX, nY, nWidth, nHeight);
tData.selectable = false;
tData.multiline = false;
tData.wordWrap = false;
var tfFormatter:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
tfFormatter.font = “kroeger 05_56”;
tfFormatter.size = 8;
tfFormatter.color = 0x7fdc09;
any help would be welcome