HELP NEEDED with scrolling images on website

Hi there,

We have developed a website and at the very final stage the client has decided they are not happy with the speed that the images scroll. We cannot work out how to change the code to slow down the speed that the images are scrolling. I also want to have the mouse activate the images only when the mouse is over the images (scrolling area) and not over the entire website. This is the code we have on the movieclip.

xm = 0;
//function to set the xpos of the movieclip
function xpos(bar_length,mul)
hpos = -200;
scroll_length =35;
incr = bar_length/scroll_length;
xm = _xmouse;
//the amount the mouse needs to move to scroll.
//so the top one is the x posion where it starts on the left, and the bottom one the right.
if(_xmouse <= -200){xm = -200;}
if(_xmouse >= 300){xm = 300;}
scroll_x = hpos - xm;
scroll_x = scroll_x * mul;
x_pos = scroll_x * incr;
x_pos = x_pos + hpos;
return x_pos;

_root.onEnterFrame = function ()

// call function xpos
x_pos = xpos(500,.20);
with (bar)
_x += (x_pos - _x)*.4;

// call function xpos
x_pos = xpos(500,.75);
with (menu)
_x += (x_pos - _x)*.4;


The movieclip we are loading into a level on the main movie. you can see the site at

Any help would really be appreciated.

