Help needed

i’m an absolute beginner with flash, though i have the general layout built for a project, i’m having problems with:

  1. navigation system: how do you make a flash file play and when it stops it
    stays as a background, with a navigation menu in
    which the user clicks on different buttons will make
    different text shown on a certain area of the whole
    background. ( i have read kirupa’s " building a fullsite
    with flash" but it seems like the particular project had
    it’s background changed and only the navigation
    system, the logo icon and the “moving ball effect” were
    fixed on screen)

  2. layers: how do you/ is it prossible to merge multiple layers into one?
    ( different transitions and properties )

  3. publishing site: i just can’t have the work published with its actual size.
    i published several times with different settings but it all
    came out scaled down and the imported jpg files look
    distorted…please help me fix it

these 3 are my immediate problems…any suggestions pertaining flash mx would be very appreciated…thanks!

oh and how do you upload a file with a post ( is it allowed here? )…in case if a visual is needed.

thanks again