Help needed

Hello guys,

I have a class named “Strip” that extends MovieClip, this movie clip contains five buttons, meaning the movie clip Strip1 that is an object of Strip class contains five buttons.

I have another class named “Character” that is also inherited from MovieClip.

I have six movieClips or objects of Strip Class on stage, what i want is to edit or change the property of those objects, by clicking and selecting one of them. When selecting any of them, the one that is selected is being highlighted or diffrentiated from others.

After selecting one of the Strip, I want to drag the Character object and place it on one of the buttons in the Strip. when a Character is placed on the strip object I want to include this information (placement of Character in the strip and other Character properties) in the strip object as well.

Please suggest me the best possible way of doing this, if any thing is not clear let me know.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile: