Help on a "simple" game task!

hey guys… long time since my last post… been very busy lately with calculus 2. anyways the other day i took some time and made my first game and i was wondering if anyone of u could help me making it a one player game… currently its just a 2 player game, so i u guys could help me making the code for a one player game i would be very gratefull… here’s the link to the game…

thanks in advance…


if u need further explanation just ask for it…

You need to devise some sort of AI
Implementing isnt the hard part, but working out a way so that the AI resembles a human player

Perhaps make it move to the puck and at a certain point work out the distance. If too far away then miss otherwise move the bat to a postiont where it would hit the bat

Develp the idea, help at hand if you need it

well the thing is that i really need help with the ai… cause i’m not what u call a AS savvy, so any help i could get would be more than welcome!!
