Help on duplicate mc and +

hi, i found the following turorial about how to duplicate mc at kirupas forum, it is just great. my question is, how can i turn those duplicated mcs into buttons, coz i want to use them as the thumbnail menu for a photo gallery. and, is it possible to set instance names for those duplicated MCs ( or anything which can identify them)? if yes, then i think i can sort out the problem i just mentioned earlier. any suggestion would be appreciated.

the AS for duplicate mc:

i = 0;
targetX = 100;
targetY = 200;
speed = 5;
createEmptyMovieClip("paper", 1);
function move() {
this._xscale = this._yscale += 1;
this._x += (this.X-this._x)/speed;
if (this.X-this._x<2) {
this._x = this.X;
this._xscale = this._yscale=100;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
//want to slow the whole thing down increase j here
function makeclips(columns, rows, k) {
for (var y = 0; y<columns; y++) {
for (var x = 0; x<rows; x++) {
if (i<k) {
clip = paper.attachMovie("mc", i, i++);
clip.X = targetX+x*(clip._width+5);
clip._x = targetX;
clip._y = targetY+y*(clip._height+5);
clip._visible = false;
j = 0;
myinterval = setinterval(startmove, 40);
function startmove() {
myArray[j].onEnterFrame = move;
myArray[j]._visible = true;
function clearclips() {
for (var obj in paper) {
if (paper[obj] instanceof MovieClip) {
btn.onPress = function() {
delete myArray;
myArray = [];
i = 0;
makeclips(6, 10, 55);
btn1.onPress = function() {
delete myArray;
myArray = [];
i = 0;
makeclips(4, 20, 73);