Help on Flash 5

Well, ive been reading tutorials and testing/expirementing things out, i got most things down, I just have a hard problem bringing out that little red flag nick thinging in FLASH 5…and also liking button in flash, where you click and itll load up to the next stuff…say I think you all know what it is…yes yes this guy right here seems like a amature and I guess so :slight_smile: because I never bother in finding out that red flag thing was hehe…but if any one can help out, i would kindly like that… on how to make a button when clicked will take you to the next page like in html—example… pictures, bios, downloads, click on the and boom brings up another screen… Thanks alot guys…I apologize for this lame message, but just wondered if anyone would kindly help me— Thank you very much for reading


OK… If you’re talking about what I think you are, then the red flag is something used to denote a frame label in Flash. If you click on a frame in the Timeline, and look at the Properties panel, you should see a bit called Frame Label. If you enter a name in there like ‘Start’, you’ll see the name and a red flag appear in that frame on the Timeline. The flag is really just a marker for you.

As for the button, you need to add an onClick() action to it (when it is placed on the Stage). Then in this, use a getURL() function to call the name of the HTML page you want to load up.